Use this page to find answers to common questions about the Madison Trust for Historic Preservation.
How may we help you? You can use this page to quickly find answers to common questions about the Madison Trust. If you are not able to find the answer, please e-mail info@madisonpreservation.org or call our office at (608) 441-8864. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to address your questions and concerns!
Membership | Donations
Joining online is easy, secure and fast. You can also join by mail — download the Membership Form and send it to us with your check. If you would prefer to join by phone, call our office at (608) 441-8864.
When you join the Madison Trust, your membership will include:
free admission to our seasonal historic architecture walking and bike tours;
discounted admission to special tours and events
invitations to free member-only events and tours
discounted tickets to regular Historic Milwaukee, Inc. walking tours.
These benefits are included at every membership level. We encourage you to join at whatever level is most comfortable.
The Madison Trust for Historic Preservation is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts to the Trust are tax deductible as permitted by law. While membership confers free admission to the Madison Trust's regularly scheduled walking tours, that benefit may be disregarded for purposes of considering this payment a tax-deductible contribution.
Yes, at the bottom of the online membership form, under Donation Schedule click the arrows and choose “Yearly” from the drop down. You can cancel your recurring membership at any time by filling out the Cancel Recurring Donation form.
Yes! You can donate online or send in a donation through the mail by downloading and sending in our Donation Form. If you would prefer to donate by phone, call our office at (608) 441-8864.
We encourage you to join our Madison Preservation Legacy Circle program. There are many benefits of the legacy program including helping us stay active in preservation for another 50 years!
We also have an endowment fund at the Madison Community Foundation. You can make a gift today at the link or plan a legacy gift to the Madison Trust. You just need to designate our fund when you plan with the Madison Community Foundation!
The Madison Trust’s Tax ID Number (Federal Employer Identification Number) is 23-7356105.
The Madison Trust’s privacy policy is always in the footer of the website and listed on the Membership and Donate pages.
Tours | Events
Tickets for our summer walking tours go on sale May 1 each year. Tickets open early for members on May 1 and open to the general public on May 15.
Tours begin at the end of May and run until the end of September every Thursday and Saturday. Tickets will be available on our website under the Historic Architecture Walking Tours page. Tickets close 24 hours prior to the tour time.
If you need to cancel tickets for our summer walking tours (Thursdays and Saturdays), please email our office at info@madisonpreservation.org. We appreciate knowing as far in advance as possible so we can move someone in from the waitlist.
If your plans change and you need to cancel your walking tour tickets, you may request a refund up to 3 days (72 hours) before your tour. To request a refund, please email us at info@madisonpreservation.org. Please include the name and date of your tour.
*Specialty tours may have a different time frame for refunds. Check the ticketing page for the refund policy.
If you have a question about our advocacy work, please email advocacy@madisonpreservation.org.
We did an Advocacy News that included the steps to sign up if you would like to receive demolition application notices. This is one of a number of sources the Advocacy Committee relies on to learn of threats relating to the protection of Madison’s historic resources.
The City of Madison has a listing of the five local historic districts with maps showing the areas included.
You can sign up to receive our monthly e-newsletter where we post an Advocacy News article each month.
If you are interested in more urgent advocacy issues facing the Madison community, you can sign up to receive our Advocacy Alerts that only go out when needed.
You can unsubscribe from either of these lists at any time.