Preservation Programs

The Madison Trust's programming provides our members and the public with opportunities to learn about historic preservation through webinars, seminars, and workshops.

These may include best practices for the restoration and maintenance of older and historic homes; how to contribute to historic preservation work happening in your community; discovering more about architectural history; and a better understanding of local, state, and national designation tools and resources.



Virtual tickets are open!

Virtual program tickets:

$5 Madison Trust Members | $10 General Public


Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin ‘conducting’ courtesy of Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Roots & Leacy in Madison

February 27, 2025

*This program will be recorded and available to ticket holders for a limited time.

Frank Lloyd Wright was born and spent much of his life just outside of Madison, WI. This talk will explore how his built and unbuilt works have shaped and influenced the historic and current architectural landscape in Madison and throughout the Midwest.

Speaker Emily Butler is the Associate Vice President of Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives at the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Emily is based at Taliesin in Spring Green, WI. She holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Temple University and a Masters in Preservation Studies from Tulane University.

Arthur Peabody

Arthur Peabody, Our State & University Architect in Madison

March 12, 2025

Carillon Tower (1938)

Arthur Peabody served as the university architect for the University of Wisconsin from 1905 to 1915 and as the state architect of Wisconsin from 1915 to 1938, designing many of the landmark buildings on the UW-Madison campus and throughout downtown Madison. Peabody was also influential in the university's first comprehensive facilities plan in 1908 and again as an updated plan in 1927. This presentation will highlight some of his most important works as well as the campus facilities plans that continue to influence campus planning today.

Speaker Gary A. Brown, PLA, FASLA is a retired professional landscape architect who worked at the University of Wisconsin for over 38 years where he served as the director of Campus Planning and Landscape Architecture from 2001 to 2023. He also was the university’s historic preservation officer, environmental affairs officer, and the inaugural director of the university’s 300-acre Lakeshore Nature Preserve. He was inducted as a Fellow in the American Society of Landscape Architects in 2004 for his administrative works, serving ASLA on both the state and national level for over 40 years. Since his retirement in early 2023, he has served on the Middleton Hills Neighborhood Association board and on their Architectural Review Committee. He also is a trustee of the Wisconsin Union Association and is working on the history of campus planning at UW-Madison, focusing on the people who created those plans from the 1840s to present day.

Potter Lawson program tickets open April 1!

In-person program tickets:

$10 Madison Trust Members | $15 General Public


Potter Lawson

Potter Lawson: 112 Years of Architecture Shaping our Community

*In-person program at Potter Lawson. Tickets open April 1. Limited space is available so get your tickets early!

April 30, 2025

Evening Schedule

5:30-6:00 p.m. Guests arrive and may enjoy refreshments while previewing exhibits prior to the presentation.

6:00-7:00 p.m. Presentation

7:00-8:00p.m. Guests may stay for self-guided browsing of the exhibited materials (drawings, photos, etc.)

Potter Lawson
749 University Row
Suite 300
Madison, WI 53705

Light snacks and beverages are provided by Potter Lawson.

Longfellow School by Law, Law and Potter (1917, 1924, 1938)

As Madison’s oldest firm with deep roots - come and and wander through our studios history as we open our archives to celebrate projects that transformed our practice, influenced our community, and put Madison on the map.


Rebecca Prochaska

As President and CEO of Potter Lawson, Rebecca has grown up in and around the firm and has a passion for celebrating the rich history of Potter Lawson, past firm leaders that went on to influence civic government, as well as the human-centric stories and projects that have contributed to our vibrant hometown of Madison.

Doug Hursh

Doug Hursh, Principal and Director of Design at Potter Lawson, has leveraged over 38 years of planning and design experience to champion projects that enhance Madison's quality of life and strengthen its urban fabric. Currently, he serves on the Madison LakeWay project board, continuing his commitment to the city. Doug has cultivated strong relationships with local partners and a collaborative design culture at Potter Lawson.

Peter Schumacher

Peter joined Potter Lawson in 2019 and quickly became the firm’s unofficial resident historian. His passion for architecture, combined with his love of photography and local history, has led him to spend countless hours exploring Potter Lawson’s archives where he often uncovers unique treasures. In recent years, Peter has also curated the Instagram account “Buildings No Longer With Us” where he shares photos and tells stories about Madison-area buildings that have been recently demolished.

Jacob Morrison

Jacob has been with Potter Lawson since January of 2024, and has been a member of the City of Madison Landmarks Commission since 2023. As both a certified Architect and Interior Designer, Jacob has a wealth of experience ranging from hospitality to workplace to residential. His passion for art leads him to create spaces that inspire people and improve their quality of everyday life.


Special thanks to Potter Lawson for partnering with us on this event!

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